Two significant events within the history of the Roman Empire occurred in the years 306AD and 476AD. In 306, Emperor Constantine ascended the throne, and soon after converted to Christianity and issued the Edict of Milan that declared tolerance of Christianity within the Empire. More than a century and a half later, the Western Roman Empire was permanently dissolved when the barbarian king Odoacer deposed Emperor Romulus Augustulus in 476.
Both events were inflection points that dramatically impacted the course of world history. Constantine's conversion to Christianity and subsequent efforts to develop the religion within the Empire laid the foundation for Christianity's eventual dominance over Europe. The Fall of Rome created a massive power vacuum that was filled by various important historical figures leading up to the Middle Ages. In both cases, the world, as it was, was swept away by shifts in power that demanded new political, cultural, and spiritual visions.
The Age of Pisces, initiated by the political powers of Julius Caesar and the spiritual powers of Jesus Christ, has given form to a vision of civilization, like of heaven, as organized hierarchically and headed by a man at the top, whether an Emperor or God. Arguably, both J.C.s' legacies were carried forward, if reshaped and even distorted, by the events of 306 and 476. As a result of those time periods, the zeitgeist of the Pisces Age — exemplified in its characteristics of institutional rule, monotheism, and an absolute theological split of good from evil — became more deeply established in the collective consciousness of the West.
The years 306 and 476 also featured a rare planetary alignment of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, an alignment that is beginning to form again today and will last until 2030. As I've mentioned on this blog before, this alignment indicates a profound transformation of civilization throughout this decade. I stated that the second half of the 2020s would bring radical changes to the world that would be at least as astonishing as the first half. I think we can already say, in the first months of 2025, that that has become a true statement, and more surprises are in store before the decade is out. Furthermore, like the exemplifications of the burgeoning Pisces Age during the early centuries AD, the transformations of this decade will exemplify the overlapping stress between the Age of Pisces and Age of Aquarius.
Significant outer planet alignments seem to propel humanity forward in its evolution, triggering major historical events that are sharply colored by qualities of the current Age, or are portents of the coming Age. We can trace major transformations within religion, empire, and even science — which is Aquarian in its revelatory discoveries of the objective world, but Piscean in its unconscious dogmatic zeal — through outer planet alignments. Tracing these outer planet periods gives us at first an outline of the development of the Pisces Age, then over time the qualities of these periods begin to become more Aquarian in nature. We can expect as the next centuries unfold that future outer planet alignments will bring events that are intensified in their Aquarian qualities as we leave the Pisces Age behind.
An illustrative example is the outer planet alignment of 1944, recent enough and similar enough to today's upcoming alignment that we could think of it as a kind of a bookend (like 306 and 476, these alignments tend to happen in pairs, then do not form again until centuries later). Amidst the darkest days of World War II the Battle of Normandy turned the tide of the war in the Allies' favor just as the alignment was forming. More importantly, as the alignment continued through 1945, the Allies won the war and so began the establishment of Liberal Democracy, an extraordinary feature of the modern world unseen in prior history. Along with it came the formation of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. The world was forever changed in a way that was profoundly Aquarian, coming out of a war driven by old Piscean delusions of ultimate rule by dictators pretending to be gods.
Of course, Communism, a particularly Piscean style of social organization, along with the shadows of Capitalism still held great sway on the world. But the tensions between the two ages that had erupted into global conflict were resolved in ways that swiftly moved humanity in an Aquarian direction.
With the outer planet alignments of 2025-2030, we can expect the tension between these two mythic paradigms to be on display once again. On the one hand, there is a pull to regress to Piscean modes of consciousness, to go back to authoritarian leadership, to fall back asleep under the spell of tyranny perpetuated by corrupt bosses pretending to be divine saviors. On the other hand, we are drawn forward to Aquarian modes of consciousness, towards democratic ideals, technological progress in service to humanity, and distributed forms of power that are not prone to single points of corruption or failure. That is not to say that there won't be problems in the Aquarian Age, but because it is our future state we are drawn to its teleological conclusions, its highest promises and most vibrant expressions.
Outer planet alignments like the one we are heading into carry a sweeping kind of energy. No one is exempt from it, including those swept into power by recent elections. Like the dictators of the 1940s, they can be just as quickly swept out. When this happens, more progressive leaning leaders and parties can step in, affecting a far more Aquarian style of leadership over the next decades, with a particularly climactic moment coming in the mid 2040s.
Whatever struggles we are to face, we cannot evolutionarily regress. The Age of Aquarius is an assured fact, although how it compares to the Age of Pisces in terms of human suffering is up to the human race to decide, fully dependent on how each of us decides to comport our individual lives. But the days of absolute rule by Emperor and God are fading, despite those in the grip of the dying Age trying desperately to resurrect its power. They cannot succeed — they and their Piscean delusions of control will dissolve as morning mist in the brisk rays of the Aquarian dawn.
Thank you so much for this. It is a wonderful reminder that life is far more nuanced that it appears sometimes.
Thank you. The recent mass mediated triangulated meeting between Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy, and the US President Trump and his Vice President J.D.Vance seems to have been an archetypal illustration of the clash between these two Ages. Zelenskyy dressed all in Saturnian black as the people’s commander maintaining iron discipline in the face of two extremely wealthy ancien regime global authorities indulging in a two faced tirade of ideological bullying. How the individual viewed this event and its individuals depending entirely upon their personal Piscean/Aquarian worldview. We look forward toward the increasing Enlightenment.
Am with you Sara. I appreciate the connection of Zelenskyy to Saturn. He has a Jupiter return coming later this year, which is interesting to consider.
The embrace of Zelenskyy by Keir Starmer was a healing antidote to that disgraceful Oval Office event, and I think shows a strong reorientation of geopolitical tendencies given that a UK Prime Minister doesn’t usually openly defy a US President.
Yes to increasing enlightenment, noting that sometimes we need the darkness in order to see the light more clearly. Thank you for commenting.