Over a year ago, I published an article suggesting that Joe Biden would drop out of the presidential race in 2024 and hand the mantle over to Kamala Harris. At the time, I was speculating based on astrological indicators favoring Harris as a contender to Trump far more so than Biden. But one of the more striking factors is that on the evening of the election Venus will shine brightly as an evening star while forming a prominent alignment with Harris's natal full moon, also making a fateful conjunction to her South Node and Descendant. Venus's bright presence just after sunset is a potent astrological symbol for what could be America's first woman president.
I had thought the handoff might happen nearer to the total solar eclipse in April. However, major events associated with eclipses tend to occur within about a 6 month window on either side, and I certainly see the themes of that eclipse, a bookend to the eclipse that aligned with Trump's ascendency, at play here. But the more timely alignment, and more personal to Harris, was the full moon on Sunday July 21st, the day Biden announced the end of his campaign. That full moon filled out an almost exact grand cross (a set of 90º alignments creating a perfect square formation) with Kamala Harris's natal full moon. It's as if the full moon of that day triggered the power of the full moon within her, thrusting her into the spotlight, ready or not (and she is obviously quite ready).
Joe Biden may have made an excellent president in a second term, but given the ongoing square of Pluto to his Moon, if he had stuck with his campaign he would have imperiled it, along with the chance for a younger generation to rise, and the chance for a woman of color to lead. The astrological forecast favors a progressive moment, and Biden's instincts are good. His natal chart demonstrates the wisdom of his choice: With Sun, Venus, and Mars all in Scorpio in his 12th house, he was destined to sacrifice; but would he sacrifice himself for the greater good, or the greater good for himself? These same symbols also point to the profound loss and grief he has endured through his life, the kind of loss that either transforms a person into greater soulfulness, or deforms them into vindictiveness. It is a great testament to Biden's character that he chose the former path, and at the right moment put his personal ambition aside.
What we see "out there" in the greater sphere of collective awareness is always a reflection of what is stirring deeply "in here", within all of us. Everything that is visible is driven by something invisible, and we can read these unconscious stirrings through the symbols of astrology. We have recently entered a period of history I've named the Radical Era, a cultural and political inflection point that will radically change how we perceive and structure civilization. It won't happen overnight, but it may happen far faster than we expect. To wit, who could have seen coming the radical events of the past four and a half years just five years ago? And yet, the astrological markers have been clear, and the astonishing changes of this decade have only just begun.
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