Two significant events within the history of the Roman Empire occurred in the years 306AD and 476AD. In 306, Emperor Constantine ascended the throne, and soon after converted to Christianity and issued the Edict of Milan that declared tolerance of Christianity within the Empire. More than a century and a half later, the Western Roman Empire was permanently dissolved when the barbarian king Odoacer deposed Emperor Romulus Augustulus in 476.
Both events were inflection points that dramatically impacted the course of world history. Constantine's conversion to Christianity and subsequent efforts to develop the religion within the Empire laid the foundation for Christianity's eventual dominance over Europe. The Fall of Rome created a massive power vacuum that was filled by various important historical figures leading up to the Middle Ages. In both cases, the world, as it was, was swept away by shifts in power that demanded new political, cultural, and spiritual visions.
The Age of Pisces, initiated by the political powers of Julius Caesar and the spiritual powers of Jesus Christ, has given form to a vision of civilization, like of heaven, as organized hierarchically and headed by a man at the top, whether an Emperor or God. Arguably, both J.C.s' legacies were carried forward, if reshaped and even distorted, by the events of 306 and 476. As a result of those time periods, the zeitgeist of the Pisces Age — exemplified in its characteristics of institutional rule, monotheism, and an absolute theological split of good from evil — became more deeply established in the collective consciousness of the West.
The years 306 and 476 also featured a rare planetary alignment of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, an alignment that is beginning to form again today and will last until 2030. As I've mentioned on this blog before, this alignment indicates a profound transformation of civilization throughout this decade. I stated that the second half of the 2020s would bring radical changes to the world that would be at least as astonishing as the first half. I think we can already say, in the first months of 2025, that that has become a true statement, and more surprises are in store before the decade is out. Furthermore, like the exemplifications of the burgeoning Pisces Age during the early centuries AD, the transformations of this decade will exemplify the overlapping stress between the Age of Pisces and Age of Aquarius.
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