The Coming Sweep

Romulus Augustulus surrenders to Odoacer

Romulus Augustulus Surrenders to Odoacer, 19th century engraving

Two significant events within the history of the Roman Empire occurred in the years 306AD and 476AD. In 306, Emperor Constantine ascended the throne, and soon after converted to Christianity and issued the Edict of Milan that declared tolerance of Christianity within the Empire. More than a century and a half later, the Western Roman Empire was permanently dissolved when the barbarian king Odoacer deposed Emperor Romulus Augustulus in 476.

Both events were inflection points that dramatically impacted the course of world history. Constantine's conversion to Christianity and subsequent efforts to develop the religion within the Empire laid the foundation for Christianity's eventual dominance over Europe. The Fall of Rome created a massive power vacuum that was filled by various important historical figures leading up to the Middle Ages. In both cases, the world, as it was, was swept away by shifts in power that demanded new political, cultural, and spiritual visions.

The Age of Pisces, initiated by the political powers of Julius Caesar and the spiritual powers of Jesus Christ, has given form to a vision of civilization, like of heaven, as organized hierarchically and headed by a man at the top, whether an Emperor or God. Arguably, both J.C.s' legacies were carried forward, if reshaped and even distorted, by the events of 306 and 476. As a result of those time periods, the zeitgeist of the Pisces Age — exemplified in its characteristics of institutional rule, monotheism, and an absolute theological split of good from evil — became more deeply established in the collective consciousness of the West.

The term "Age of Pisces", like "Age of Aquarius", is in reference to a gradual shift in the apparent alignment of the Spring Equinox Sun caused by a wobble in the Earth's axial rotation. The Age of Pisces began around the year 100BC, when the Spring Equinox Sun rose in alignment with the Pisces constellation. Today, the Spring Equinox Sun rises in an overlapping space between Pisces and Aquarius, and in a couple of hundred years the Equinox Sun will rise squarely in the Aquarius constellation.

Pisces is directly associated with Christianity, and monotheism in general. Psychologically, it represents our tendency to project absolute good and evil onto people and things outside of ourselves. According to Carl Jung, the movement into the Age of Aquarius will require that humanity withdraw its "shadow projections," each of us taking ownership of the good and evil we have projected onto others and realizing these energies are equally strong in every one of us.

The years 306 and 476 also featured a rare planetary alignment of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, an alignment that is beginning to form again today and will last until 2030. As I've mentioned on this blog before, this alignment indicates a profound transformation of civilization throughout this decade. I stated that the second half of the 2020s would bring radical changes to the world that would be at least as astonishing as the first half. I think we can already say, in the first months of 2025, that that has become a true statement, and more surprises are in store before the decade is out. Furthermore, like the exemplifications of the burgeoning Pisces Age during the early centuries AD, the transformations of this decade will exemplify the overlapping stress between the Age of Pisces and Age of Aquarius.

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The Outer Planets: Transformers of Psyche and World

It has been a busy holiday season, and I hope to get back to writing articles soon. There is certainly much material to cover about the incredible planetary transits of 2025. I hope that, for now, we can all find some respite from drama as we recharge our soul-batteries before the new year gets into full swing.

Meanwhile, I am preparing a talk that I will be giving for the C.G. Jung Center where we will explore the outer planet alignments of the next two years through historical and Jungian lenses. I hope you can join us.

The C.G. Jung Center Presents:
The Outer Planets: Transformers of Psyche and World

Saturday February 1st, 2025, 1-3pm Central Time, via Zoom

Ptolemaic View of the Universe, Andreas Cellarius

Ptolemaic View of the Universe
Andreas Cellarius

Astrology's three outermost planets — Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto — are coming into an extremely rare mutual alignment as they all enter new signs over the next two years. Alignments of this kind tend to occur during the most radical cultural reformations in history. While there is clearly a great deal of stress and conflict in the world today, could there be a greater plan, a telos, guiding us towards a more conscious wholeness? Could the global dramas of humanity be expressions of an urge to heal from the depths of the psyche?

In this talk, we will explore what astrology can tell us about our current historical inflection point and where we might be headed. We will compare historical periods with similar outer-planetary configurations as today and explore the movements of the outer planets as symbolic clues to the deeper stirrings of the collective unconscious.

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Remember What You Love

Om Mani Padme Hum

Om Mani Padme Hum

For three days starting the day after the presidential election I burned a candle at my desk, a symbol of sacred light to help refocus the psychic energy that had been disrupted in me, and to bring consciousness to the shared hope we all hold for a better world.

Like many astrologers, I had stoked optimism about a Harris win for the presidency. While I had not completely ruled out a Trump win, my outlook was definitely a little skewed, and I apologize if I gave anyone false hope. Now that we are here, the cards are on the table, and that will allow for a more penetrating astrological analysis going forward.

For now, we have been disabused of complacency and must take seriously the daily grind of building a humane society. My wish is that we are encouraged and emboldened by the messages encoded in the stars to keep us working in the right direction. I still hold to the view of a progressive future for America and I intend to explore this assertion in more depth later.

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America’s Big Day

The Future

The Future

I had hoped that I would write one more in-depth article about the U.S. presidential election before it occurs this Tuesday, but life has had other plans. Since we live in Asheville, NC, we were directly impacted by the devastation wrought by hurricane Helene, which occurred on top of my being laid up from hip surgery. It's been a difficult journey, although like all initiations there have been little miracles guiding us along our path.

I hope to write more about our experience, but for now I'd like to briefly touch on what I see as the pertinent astrological themes for the election. The two standout factors for me are that Venus is shining as a bright evening star with the crescent Moon just after sunset, while Mars is newly entered into Leo, at the exact opposite ingress degree that it was in on Election Day 2016, when Trump was elected. Venus's bright presence with the Moon illuminates the importance of women to this election, along with a woman candidate. Mars just entered Leo today, and both Harris and Trump have Mars in Leo in their natal charts, with the distinct difference that Trump's Mars is currently being squared by Uranus, the disruptive trickster. Mars can represent caustic aggression or valiant courage, and depending who you talk to, either quality might be applied to one or the other candidate. That Mars now stands in direct opposition to where it stood in 2016, when Trump last faced a female presidential opponent, might suppose an opposite outcome from that election.

No matter who wins the election and becomes our 47th president, the importance of women and women's issues during this election cycle cannot be understated. Evening Venus shines in solidarity here, but another important factor is that she is, along with the Moon, far out of bounds (outside the Sun's orbital plane), as if both female-centric planets yearn to break free from the gravitational shackles of the masculine solar dominance that has kept them bound to the Sun's male egoic whims. So here we have Trump, with his Sun-ruled Leo Ascendant and Mars, exuding his Leonine red-orange pomposity, while Kamala Harris, like Venus and the Moon, breaks from established solar boundaries to reflect the moral dilemma that we all face under the weight of an underdeveloped, Leo-driven ego.

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The Curse That Shaped America

The Shawnee Prophet, Tenskwatawa

The Shawnee Prophet, Tenskwatawa
Portrait by George Catlin

There is a famous legend called Tecumseh's Curse that says that when William Henry Harrison defeated the Shawnee at the Battle of Tippecanoe, Chief Tecumseh's shaman brother Tenskwatawa levied a curse on the "Great White Fathers" that started with Harrison's death just after taking the oath of presidential office in 1841. For the next 120 years, every president elected in a twenty year interval — Lincoln in 1860, Garfield in 1880, McKinley in 1900, Harding in 1920, FDR in 1940, JFK in 1960 — died while in office. Indeed, every president except Zachary Taylor who has died while in office was elected under this twenty-year cycle.

Starting in 1980, the curse took a new twist: Ronald Reagan didn't die while in office but his life was almost ended by an assassination attempt. Following in 2000 was George W. Bush, who also had a close call with death when a would-be assassin lobbed a grenade at him, but it failed to detonate. It seemed that Tecumseh's Curse had lightened up to become Tecumseh's Bluff.

There is a striking astrological correlation here. Every doomed president was elected for a term that coincided with a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, which runs on a roughly 20-year cycle. This conjunction was seen in ancient times as a portent for major shifts in power, whether from war, natural disaster, popular uprising, or death of a king. Even in the cases of Reagan and Bush, while they did not die in office they represented a very new way of governing (the Reagan Revolution, the Bush Doctrine), and this theme carries on today with Joe Biden, elected just before the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of 2020, whose administration has explicitly worked to reverse the Reagan and Bush policies that have distorted the nation's values.

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The Biden-Harris Handoff and Beyond

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, 4th of July Celebration

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, 4th of July Celebration, image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Over a year ago, I published an article suggesting that Joe Biden would drop out of the presidential race in 2024 and hand the mantle over to Kamala Harris. At the time, I was speculating based on astrological indicators favoring Harris as a contender to Trump far more so than Biden. But one of the more striking factors is that on the evening of the election Venus will shine brightly as an evening star while forming a prominent alignment with Harris's natal full moon, also making a fateful conjunction to her South Node and Descendant. Venus's bright presence just after sunset is a potent astrological symbol for what could be America's first woman president.

I had thought the handoff might happen nearer to the total solar eclipse in April. However, major events associated with eclipses tend to occur within about a 6 month window on either side, and I certainly see the themes of that eclipse, a bookend to the eclipse that aligned with Trump's ascendency, at play here. But the more timely alignment, and more personal to Harris, was the full moon on Sunday July 21st, the day Biden announced the end of his campaign. That full moon filled out an almost exact grand cross (a set of 90º alignments creating a perfect square formation) with Kamala Harris's natal full moon. It's as if the full moon of that day triggered the power of the full moon within her, thrusting her into the spotlight, ready or not (and she is obviously quite ready).

Joe Biden may have made an excellent president in a second term, but given the ongoing square of Pluto to his Moon, if he had stuck with his campaign he would have imperiled it, along with the chance for a younger generation to rise, and the chance for a woman of color to lead. The astrological forecast favors a progressive moment, and Biden's instincts are good. His natal chart demonstrates the wisdom of his choice: With Sun, Venus, and Mars all in Scorpio in his 12th house, he was destined to sacrifice; but would he sacrifice himself for the greater good, or the greater good for himself? These same symbols also point to the profound loss and grief he has endured through his life, the kind of loss that either transforms a person into greater soulfulness, or deforms them into vindictiveness. It is a great testament to Biden's character that he chose the former path, and at the right moment put his personal ambition aside.

What we see "out there" in the greater sphere of collective awareness is always a reflection of what is stirring deeply "in here", within all of us. Everything that is visible is driven by something invisible, and we can read these unconscious stirrings through the symbols of astrology. We have recently entered a period of history I've named the Radical Era, a cultural and political inflection point that will radically change how we perceive and structure civilization. It won't happen overnight, but it may happen far faster than we expect. To wit, who could have seen coming the radical events of the past four and a half years just five years ago? And yet, the astrological markers have been clear, and the astonishing changes of this decade have only just begun.

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Chicago Presentation of The Radical Era

A talk given in Chicago: The Radical Era

A talk given in Chicago: The Radical Era

On June 15th, I'll be in Chicago to give my talk The Radical Era: An Astro-Jungian View of the 2020s. If you're in the area, please consider attending!

When: Saturday, June 15th, 3-5pm
Jupiter Botanical Studio
Flat Iron Building at 1579 N. Milwaukee, Studio 340

Suggested donation is $10-25.
Venmo @penny-gac to reserve your spot.


Jupiter-Pluto and the Meaning of Oliver Twist

Men who look on nature, and their fellow-men, and cry that all is dark and gloomy, are in the right; but the somber colors are reflections from their own jaundiced eyes and hearts. The real hues are delicate, and need a clearer vision.

From Oliver Twist, Chapter 24

It is an illuminating fact that Charles Dickens' famous novel Oliver Twist has a repeated association with Jupiter-Pluto alignments. The book was originally published in serialized installments throughout the Jupiter-Pluto trine of 1837, and continued until the Jupiter-Pluto opposition in 1839. Amazingly, future adaptations of the work also coincided with Jupiter-Pluto alignments, trines in particular: The film version was released during the Jupiter-Pluto trine of 1948, which was banned in the US due to antisemitic concerns until the Jupiter-Pluto trine of 1951. The film was subsequently re-released with scenes restored during the Jupiter-Pluto sextile of 1970, and was later entered into the British Film Institute's top 100 rated films during the Jupiter-Pluto trine of 1999.

The musical adaptation, Oliver!, opened during the Jupiter-Pluto trine of 1960 and the film version of the musical was released during the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction of 1968.

What could the meaning of this synchronicity tell us? Why is Oliver Twist so connected to this particular planetary duo?

When we consider the broader social themes of the book — urban poverty, injustice, the plight of the downtrodden — the connection is pretty clear to see. Jupiter tends to shine a light upon whatever it touches, or expands it to the point we have to notice it, and Pluto represents the hidden aspects of society, not only the poor and oppressed, but also the rich and powerful who exert control over those with less.

Like Dickens's exposition of the English workhouse, Jupiter-Pluto alignments often bring a collective clarity arising out of an exposure to some morally intolerable condition. Think of the revelations of torture at Abu Ghraib prison during the Jupiter-Pluto trine of 2003, or the release of video showing the murder of Laquan McDonald in Chicago during the Jupiter-Pluto trine of late 2015. We can also include the #MeToo movement, which occurred throughout Jupiter's transit through Scorpio — a sign linked strongly with Pluto — and its sextile alignment with Pluto. Most recently, Jupiter and Pluto were conjunct when George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis police officers, kicking off a series of nationwide protests against racism and police brutality.

Note that Jupiter-Pluto alignments do not instigate such events, but instead show us what was already occurring, like lifting a log in the forest to see the creepy crawlies underneath. True to Jupiter, whatever issue is being exposed becomes greatly expanded, larger than life, because the issue symbolizes, true to Pluto, a much deeper and darker problem: Government sanctioned torture, police brutality, sexual abuse by star figures, etc.

Today we are entering the very beginning of the next Jupiter-Pluto trine. It is a good time to consider: what are today's issues of poverty, injustice, and abuses of power that demand we witness with a full gaze? What can we no longer turn away from but must acknowledge as a travesty of civilization? Where have we allowed too much power to aggregate, and where have too many suffered the consequences? We might take our cue from Oliver Twist.

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The Potential Comeback of Ukraine

Chart for Ukraine in 2024

Chart for Ukraine (inner), with 2024 Aries Ingress (outer)

Almost a year ago, I mentioned in an article the significance of Jupiter-Uranus alignments to the history of Ukraine. In short, within the time since Ukraine declared its independence from Russia in 1991 it has undergone two political revolutions: The so-called Orange Revolution (2004) and the Revolution of Dignity (2014). Both revolutions were a success from the standpoint of Ukraine's sovereign independence and popular will, and both revolutions occurred during strong Jupiter-Uranus alignments.

As I've said before, it can be difficult to resist the temptation to predict the future when you study and practice astrology on a daily basis. I try to avoid doing much of it publicly because an astrologer's unconscious bias is always a mitigating factor. Yet, I have been saying since the war in Ukraine started in 2022 that come the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of 2024, which is happening now, we could see a major shift in the war in favor of Ukraine.

Sure enough: The speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives has finally brought the Ukraine military aid bill to the floor, and it passed. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, at exact alignment during the passing of the bill, makes a square to Ukraine's Aquarius Moon, signifying a major reversal of (mis)fortune.

For context, the war took a turn for the worse for Ukraine once Saturn entered Pisces and made an opposition to Ukraine's Sun in early 2023. Indeed, the 2023 Aries Ingress chart for Ukraine suggested the entire year would be bad for them, given the Saturn opposition and Neptune opposing Ukraine's Mars (dissolution of military strength). By contrast, 2024 shows massive international support helping Ukraine maintain its independence and a return of its military strength. Not only do we have the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction mentioned above, but the 2024 Ingress chart shows both planets trine Ukraine's Uranus and Ascendant, meaning that Jupiter and Uranus represent a theme for the entire year. Like the Orange Revolution and Revolution of Dignity that came before, the theme is of successful political revolution in favor of their sovereign independence.

Looking ahead, amongst the astonishing astrological alignments of 2025 is a conjunction of Saturn with Neptune at 0º Aries, the first degree of the Zodiac. As I've also previously written, the Saturn-Neptune cycle is intimately connected to Russia's political history, and its conjunctions correlate with major endings and beginnings in Russia's political leadership. Saturn and Neptune were conjunct for the Bolshevik Revolution, the death of Stalin, and at the fall of the Soviet Union, which began Putin's rise. For 2025, it is easily conceivable that the regime of Putin will finally end.

As an astrologer, I am optimistic. The total solar eclipse of April 8th represented, to me, a major turning point. Following it comes: Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, Jupiter-Pluto trine, Uranus-Pluto trine, Saturn-Neptune conjunction, Saturn-Uranus sextile. Each of these alignments on their own would give cause for hope, but to see all of them occurring within a year is about as hopeful of a message from the heavens as any of us could ask for.

Jupiter-Uranus: Televising the Revolution

Art generated by AI

Art generated by AI

You will not have to worry about a dove in your bedroom
The tiger in your tank or the giant in your toilet bowl
The revolution will not go better with Coke
The revolution will not fight germs that may cause bad breath
The revolution will put you in the driver's seat...
The revolution will not be televised

Gil Scott-Heron recorded those now famous lyrics during the Jupiter-Uranus sextile of 1971. The central idea behind the song's poetry is that the cultural revolution shaping the country at that time wasn't something that was broadcast over any normal channels of carefully procured media, but was instead happening in real life, under our feet, around our homes, and on our streets. The revolution can't be sold to us, made pretty, and solve meaningless problems.

During a similar Jupiter-Uranus sextile in early 1903, McClure's Magazine published its famous January issue that launched the muckraker revolution in journalism. This was the beginning of in-depth, scathing articles detailing the corruption and neglect in American society and in the secret halls of the behemoth corporate trusts. Muckraking was crucial to kicking off the Progressive Era, a deeply transformative period that ushered in some of the greatest reforms of American civil life, from food and drug regulation to national parks and legalizing women's right to vote.

Most of those reforms are better correlated with the Uranus-Pluto opposition of the time, as is the Uranus-Pluto conjunction with the reforms of the 1960s, just before Scott-Heron's famous poem. But Jupiter and Uranus together evoke more specifically the widespread dissemination of a social realization, a cultural shift made apparent, if not real, to everyone. Jupiter-Uranus alignments can bring about cultural epiphanies and creative solutions that catch the collective imagination like wildfire, because their time has finally come.

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